
At St. James, we start our stewardship journey with the belief that all things truly belong to God. God who created all things is the only one who can claim true ownership. And God made us to be stewards of creation, to model love and compassion in the image of God.

We don’t choose to be stewards any more than we choose to be born. What has been placed in our care is a free gift without strings. God has blessed us with life, with a beautiful creation to care for, with minds and abilities and creativity. We can’t refuse those blessings, we can only choose how we will treat them, what kinds of stewards we will be.

We believe faithful stewardship is choosing to give in the same way that God gives; generously, sacrificially and without strings.

Therefore, we are called to give a generous portion of ourselves, of who we are, what we can do, and what we possess to do God’s work in the world. We give because we are thankful for blessings received, we give because we choose to be faithful, and we give to support the mission of St. James. And when we give, we find that through the giving we are blessed by God all over again.

We invite you to join in by giving a gift of whatever size you feel best reflects God’s blessings in your life right now.

We invite you to join in giving by filling out a pledge card and generously donating back a portion of what God has blessed you with over the next year.

We invite you to join in by giving of yourself in service through one of the many ministries of our church.

We invite you to join in by remembering us in your will in order to help build a strong future for our church.

We invite you to rejoice in your blessings and be a blessing to the world.


Make your pledge payment or other donation online here.